At Rights of Nature Initiative (RONI), we believe in the power of citizen-driven initiatives to effect positive change at both the local and state levels in Washington State. The initiative process is a cornerstone of our democratic system, allowing community members to directly shape policies and create a lasting impact. This page serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the initiative process for citizen ballot initiatives in Washington State, and how we collaborate to champion initiatives that align with our core values.

The Heart of Democracy: Citizen-Driven Initiatives

Citizen ballot initiatives empower individuals and communities to influence legislative decisions, promote important causes, and drive policy changes that matter most to them. These initiatives allow everyday citizens to take an active role in shaping the future they envision. At RoniCoalition, we stand committed to engaging with the initiative process to create a more just, equitable, and sustainable society.

Initiative Processes: Local and State

Local Initiatives:

Local initiatives provide a pathway for community members to propose and enact changes to local laws and regulations. Here’s an overview of the local initiative process in Washington State:

  1. Petition Drafting: Initiatives begin with the drafting of a proposed law or ordinance. This document outlines the changes the initiative seeks to make and the reasons behind them.
  2. Signature Gathering: Supporters of the initiative collect signatures from registered voters within the jurisdiction. The number of required signatures is usually based on a percentage of the total votes cast in the last general municipal election, but contact us for more information of the requirements for your local municipality.
  3. Verification: The signatures are verified by local election officials to ensure they meet the required threshold.
  4. Ballot Placement: If the initiative garners enough valid signatures, it qualifies for the ballot and is presented to voters during the next eligible election.

State Initiatives:

State initiatives allow citizens to propose changes to state laws and policies. Here’s an overview of the state initiative process in Washington:

  1. Initiative Filing: The process begins with filing an initiative petition along with the required number of initial signatures with the Secretary of State.
  2. Review and Certification: The Secretary of State reviews the signatures for validity and certifies the initiative for circulation if the initial requirements are met.
  3. Signature Collection: Proponents gather additional signatures from registered voters across the state. The total number of valid signatures required is determined based on a percentage of votes cast in the last gubernatorial election.
  4. Verification and Ballot Placement: The submitted signatures are verified by election officials. Initiatives that meet the signature threshold are placed on the ballot for a statewide vote during the next general election.

Our Involvement in the Initiative Process

Initiative Identification and Creation: We identify local and state initiatives that align with our mission and values, or assist in creating those initiatives, focusing on justice, equity, and sustainability.

Support and Advocacy: We actively support initiatives through grassroots advocacy, public awareness campaigns, and collaboration with other organizations and political committees that share our goals.

Community Engagement: We engage our coalition members and the wider community in the initiative process, encouraging informed participation and mobilization.

How You Can Engage with Initiatives

Stay Informed: Keep an eye on upcoming local and state initiatives that align with your values. Stay informed about the initiative process, signature collection deadlines, and voting dates.

Volunteer and Advocate: Participate in signature gathering, volunteer efforts, and advocacy campaigns to support initiatives that resonate with you.

Vote: Exercise your democratic right by voting on initiatives during local and state elections. Your vote contributes to shaping the policies and direction of your community and state.

Together, We Shape Our Future

At RONI, we view the initiative process as a powerful tool for enacting positive change. By engaging with local and state citizen ballot initiatives, we amplify our collective voice and work towards a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable society. Join us in this journey of active citizenship as we champion initiatives that reflect our values and create thriving communities.