CBS Saturday Morning Explores Rights of Nature Gaining Traction Around the World

CBS News, a mainstream television network, had a great story on their popular Saturday Morning show about the growing movement around the world acknowledging that nature has the same rights as humans.

This movement has led to new legislation in some countries, notably Panama, which has implemented a country-wide rights of nature law. The law was instrumental in shutting down one of the world’s largest copper mines, highlighting its effectiveness.

Marine biologist Callie Veelenturf, a Massachusetts native and National Geographic explorer, was a key advocate for the law. After experiencing sexual harassment and defending her rights, she was inspired to ensure nature could be similarly defended. Veelenturf’s efforts, which began with a Google search and a book by David Boyd, culminated in the proposal of the idea to Panama’s first lady and members of parliament, leading to the passage of the legislation.

Read more at Legislation that provides nature the same rights as humans gains traction in some countries, CBS Saturday Morning, Dec. 9, 2023.